PeaceBuilders Activities At School
Welcome to our school-to-home communication about PeaceBuilders. Here at Swift River Elementary School we strive to educate all children to be respectful and kind to others through our PeaceBuilder programs. On the main page you can find our entire annual PeaceBuilder Plan for SRE. There is lots going on! Ask your son or daughter to recite the PeaceBuilder Pledge and then ask them what it means to them.
“PeaceBuilders Pledge”
I am a PeaceBuilder.
I Pledge . . .
- To give up put-downs
- To seek wise people
- To notice and speak up about hurts I have caused
- To right wrongs
- To help others
- I will build peace at home, at school and in my community each day.
PeaceBuilders activties at SRE include:
- weekly recital of the PeaceBuilders Pledge and the Pledge of Allegiance over the PA on Monday mornings
- daily giving and receiving of “Praise Notes”
- monthly PeaceCard activity in classrooms
- Annual Peace Rally Celebration
- Use of the PeaceBuilders Conflict Wheel to manage student conflicts and teach problem solving skills
Problem Solving as a Peacebuilder
Every child in 2nd and 3rd grade was taught the conflict solving model below. It is a great resource for them when they get frustrated or angry. There are always many ways to solve a problem!
Helpful Resources:
- Collaborative for Educational Services: (This link gives info on lots of workshops and resources available to families in Hampshire County.)
- Parent Aide Home Visiting Program: 413-584-5690 (This is a progam for Hampshire County families that can provide a volunteer parent aide who can help with the daily challenges of raising children.)
- Parental Stress Line: 1-800-632-8188
- Valley Human Services: Offers a variety of counseling services for children and families: 413-967-6241.