Massachusetts General Law C71, S57 requires all students have a current physical (within one year) including immunizations on file in this office prior to entering Grade 7.
8th Graders
All students must have an Interval Health History update and returned to the Health Office by the end of the first full week of the new school year.
New Students
New students enrolling in JBMS must submit a signed physical examination performed by a health care provider (conducted within the last thirteen months). He/she must provide current immunizations PRIOR to enrollment.
MIAA forms
According to the Massachusetts Interscholastic Athletic Association guidelines to qualify for each sport session, any 8th grader who is planning on participating in sports at BHS must have a physical exam performed within thirteen months of the first day of practice. If a student’s physical expires during the current sport season, a new physical needs to be performed and the results submitted to the Health Office. These forms are available in the JBMS Health Office and on this web site.