
14 Maple Street
P.O. Box 841
Belchertown MA 01007


Home 5 Belchertown Public Schools focus on SUCCESS for EVERY student

Welcome to the Belchertown Public Schools website. We are an active school community where the SUCCESS of EVERY STUDENT is our FOCUS. The five schools are centrally located in Belchertown. Kindergarten students from Cold Spring School visit the town library regularly and many BHS students mentor second graders from Swift River Elementary School to explore “living science” at Lake Wallace. This year the Jabish Brook Middle School students explored engineering and technology through a new Robotics Program while Chestnut Hill fourth graders hosted the “Artist in Residence.”

The Peacebuilders Program continues to be extremely successful at the elementary level, helping students learn the importance of respect for one another. Middle school students participate in monthly class meetings, student of the month and character education, while the high school students participate in the advisory program.

The Belchertown Public Schools’ 95% graduation rate is evidence of the academic success of our students who graduate and move on to begin successful careers, attend college or trade school. In addition to our regular on campus classes, students have the opportunity to participate in Virtual courses. The music programs comprised of multiple bands, ensembles and chorus are exceptional, winning three Gold Medals at the 2015 MICCA Festival, while several of our student artists received various competitive awards. In April we had an increase in student participation on the track and field teams, plus a new field hockey program. In addition, the high school offers multiple clubs and theatre productions.

Looking ahead to the Fall of 2015 the District will begin to pilot Google Docs as we infuse the advantages of technology as a teaching/researching/problem-solving tool in the educational process. The School Committee recently approved a new five-year Technology Plan which is posted on our website. During the 2015-16 school year, we will prepare a new three-year Strategic Plan for our School Community. We are a vibrant, dynamic community committed to the education of EVERY STUDENT.

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