On Tuesday, April 30, 2024, the Schematic Design Binder was submitted to the MSBA for review and Approval:
On Wednesday, December 13, 2023, at the MSBA Board meeting they approved the Belchertown Public Schools to enter into the Preferred Schematic Design Phase.
What is the Preferred Schematic Design?
Based upon the completed Feasibility Study and the steps outlined in Module 3 – Feasibility Study, the District and its team, in collaboration with the MSBA, develop a robust schematic design of sufficient detail to establish the scope, budget and schedule for the Proposed Project. The MSBA generates a Project Scope and Budget Agreement that documents the project scope, budget, schedule and MSBA financial participation to forward to the MSBA Board of Directors for their consideration. Approval by the MSBA Board of Directors is required for all projects in order for the MSBA to enter into a Project Scope and Budget Agreement and a Project Funding Agreement with the District. Refer to Module – 5 Funding the Project for additional information.
Most Recent MSBA Submission: Preferred Schematic Report (PSR) (Dated October 24, 2023)
The purpose of the Preferred Schematic Report is to summarize the process and conclusions of the Preliminary and Final Evaluation of Alternatives and substantiate and document the District’s selection and recommendation of a preferred solution. The Report should address all concerns and questions raised by the MSBA during its review of the Preliminary Design Program and clearly identify any changes incorporated by the District based on further evaluations and considerations. The District, through its OPM, must submit the Preferred Schematic Report by the deadline established by the MSBA for a proposed Board action. This schedule is posted on the MSBA website and should have been incorporated as part of the updated schedule required in part 3.1.1 of the Preliminary Design Program.
MSBA Submission: Preliminary Design Program (Dated July 13, 2023)
Preliminary Design Program PDP is the first reporting stage during the feasibility study phase where the district and its team collaborate with the MSBA to document their educational program, generate an initial space summary, document existing conditions, establish design parameters, develop and evaluate alternatives and recommend the most cost-effective and educationally appropriate alternatives to the MSBA for further evaluation in the PSR phase.
After the PDP submission was received by the MSBA, they thoroughly reviewed the submission and made suggestions for changing. LPAA and SKANSKA worked with the administration team and the Building Committee to correct or revise the submissions.
The Project is currently in the PSR Phase which is the short for the Preliminary Schematic Report. This is a continuation of the Preliminary Design Program (PDP) where the Project Team and District continue to refine the educational program and design solutions for a short-list of Project options. At the conclusion of the PSR phase the District and project Team provides a comprehensive qualitative and quantitative analysis of the multiple design options studied and informs the MSBA of the preferred option that the District would like to proceed with during the Schematic Design (SD) Phase of the Project.
MSBA Submission: Statement of Interest (Dated April 17, 2020)
Click to read a Summary of the Statement of Interest
The MSBA’s grant program is a non-entitlement, competitive program, and grants are distributed by the MSBA Board of Directors based on need and urgency, as expressed by districts and validated by the MSBA. Submitting a SOI is not an invitation into the MSBA’s Capital Pipeline; it is the initial step in the MSBA’s program. Moving forward in the MSBA’s process requires further collaboration between districts and the MSBA.
Submitting a SOI is the critical first step in the MSBA’s program for school building construction, addition/renovation, and repair grants. The SOI allows districts to inform us about deficiencies that may exist in a local school facility and how those deficiencies inhibit the delivery of the district’s educational program.
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