Children need healthy meals to learn. Belchertown Public Schools offers healthy meals every school day. In School Year 2023-2024, all students will receive free breakfast and lunch at school. The Commonwealth of Massachusetts has provided money to do this for one year through the State budget through June 30th 2024, and we hope they will vote to make it permanent. This allows schools to offer meals to students at no charge.
A la carte items in school will still cost between $1-$3, and milk alone will cost $0.50 (fifty cents). Adults pay $3.00 for breakfast and $5.00 for lunch. Second Meals are available at Chestnut Hill Community School for $4.00, Jabish Brook Middle School and Belchertown High School for $4.00.
We make menu substitutions to the best of our ability for any student with a medically documented food allergy, and all meals made at school are peanut free. If your child has a food allergy, please have this form filled out by a medical authority.
Meals served as part of the National School Lunch Program must follow high nutritional and food safety standards. In 2010 the Hunger-Free Kids Act was passed, which based the new school meal standards on independent, expert recommendations from the Institute of Medicine. This act was passed to ensure that children are offered healthy food while they are at school. the Healthy Hunger-Free Kids Act aims to help reduce America’s childhood obesity epidemic and reduce health risks for children by helping schools produce balanced meals, so children have access to healthy foods during the school day. All meals served:
- Ensure students are offered both fruits and vegetables every day of the week;
- Increase offerings of whole grain-rich foods;
- Offer only fat-free or low-fat milk;
- Limit calories based on the age of children being served to ensure proper portion size;
- Increase the focus on reducing the amounts of saturated fat, trans fats, added sugars, and sodium
USDA has made a commitment to improve the nutritional quality of all school meals. The Department works with state and local school food authorities through the Nutrition Education and Training Program and Team Nutrition initiative to teach and motivate children to make healthy food choices, and to provide school food service staff with training and technical support.
USDA resources:
- Healthy Hunger Free Kids Act Fact Sheet
- The School Day just got Healthier Fact Sheet
(Disponible en Españo)
Barrett Grazioso Food Service Director Belchertown Public Schools 59 State Street Belchertown, MA 01007 (413) 323-0442
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