Scroll: Place two fingers on the touchpad and move them up and down to scroll vertically, or left and right to scroll horizontally.
Previous/Next Page: To go back to a page you were just on, swipe left with two fingers. To go forward to a page you were just on, swipe right with two fingers.
See all Open Windows: To see all open windows, swipe up with three fingers. To close it, swipe down with three fingers.
Open a link in a new tab: Point to the link, then tap or click the touchpad with three fingers. Or … Close a tab – Point to the tab, then tap or click the touchpad with three fingers.
Switch between tabs: If you have multiple browser tabs open, swipe left or right with three fingers.
Screen Capture
Keyboard Shortcuts
Copy & Paste
Ctrl + c copies the highlighted area to your clipboard
Ctrl + x cuts the highlighted area and store it on your clipboard
Ctrl + v pastes whatever was copied or cut from your clipboard
Paste Without Formatting
Ctrl + Shift + v pastes whatever you copied while clearing the original formatting