Students are not allowed to carry medication on their person. The exceptions to this are inhalers, insulin and epi-pens. In order for the student to self- carry these medications, the physician, the parent, and school nurse must deem the student capable of self-administration. However, the student must demonstrate to the school nurse the competency of self-administration and adequate knowledge of the disease condition. The school nurse has the final decision as to the child’s appropriateness of self-administration and will be responsible for determining whether the medication to be dispensed falls within the parameters of our policy.
Please be aware the school nurse is not present during before or after school programs.
Medication will be brought in by a responsible adult to the school nurse in the original pharmacy labeled container accompanied by parental permission and the licensed prescriber’s order. The licensed provider’s order shall be renewed as necessary, including the beginning of each academic year.
Narcotics will not be kept in school. Any student requiring narcotics should remain home.
If your child requires any medication to be given at school, please go to the forms link and print the appropriate medication packet.
There are medication packets for asthma inhalers, epi-pens, and a general medication packet for all other medications. Please fill out all the forms in their entirety, and make sure the physican signs the medication order form as well.
Once all forms are complete, bring the completed forms along with the medication to the school nurse.
All medication left at school will be discarded after the last day of school unless already arranged by the school nurse.