The Instructional Leadership Team has decided that the March 14, 2014 Professional Development Day for teachers will take place using a format known as “Edcamp”. Edcamps are a model for allowing for teacher input and participation in a number of sessions designed to help us share ideas and best practices with one another that is being used by school districts across the country. If you’d like to learn more about Edcamps, check out the Edcamp Foundation web site at
In order for this day to be successful, it is important that we get organized ahead of time. You can do that by suggesting topics for sessions and indicating your interest in attending or facilitating sessions. A shared Google Doc has been created for you to give us your ideas and indicate your interest. Click on the link below to get to the Google Doc:
This Edcamp is currently open to Belchertown Teachers only. Depending on how things go, we may offer something that would be open to others either on this date or at a later time.